Yeti seeing Couins Paintball sign

Prepare to immerse yourself in an exhilarating paintball extravaganza like no other! The highly anticipated “Yeti Game” is coming to 407 Edwards Ave, Calverton, NY, on Sunday, January 14, 2024. It’s not just any paintball event; it’s an epic winter scenario game that promises adrenaline-pumping action, strategic gameplay, and incredible prizes.

What makes the “Yeti Game” stand out from the rest? It’s one of the rare “Bring Your Own Paint” events, allowing players to bring their preferred paintballs. This unique feature adds a personalized touch to the gameplay, ensuring that participants are equipped with the tools they’re most comfortable with.

Event Details:

  • Date: Sunday, January 14, 2024
  • Location: 407 Edwards Ave, Calverton, NY

Set against the picturesque backdrop of Calverton, NY, this event offers an immersive and challenging experience for paintball enthusiasts of all levels. The venue boasts diverse terrains and specially designed scenarios that will put your skills and strategy to the test. For more details check out the Yeti Page at

Compete against fellow players in various thrilling scenarios, showcasing teamwork, tactics, and precision. But that’s not all! The “Yeti Game” isn’t just about the thrill of competition; it’s also an opportunity to win fantastic prizes, adding an extra layer of excitement to the day.

The camaraderie and sportsmanship among players elevate the event atmosphere, creating a sense of community and shared passion for the sport. Whether you’re a seasoned paintball pro or a newcomer looking for an adrenaline rush, this event caters to all, fostering a welcoming environment for everyone to enjoy.

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of the “Yeti Game” on Sunday, January 14th, 2024, at 407 Edwards Ave, Calverton, NY. Experience the excitement, embrace the winter-themed challenges, and create lasting memories with fellow paintball enthusiasts.

Join us for an unforgettable day filled with action, prizes, and the thrill of victory. Get ready to unleash your competitive spirit and take on the “Yeti Game” in Calverton, NY!

We’ll see you on the battlefield!

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